Canning Bridge
Canning Bridge, comprising two almost identical timber bridges, eastbound (1937) and westbound (1958), carries Canning Highway over the Canning River between Applecross and Como. It is a rare example of a bridge consisting of two adjacent structures built at different times. Since 1829, the river crossing here was part of the first road link between the city of Perth and the port of Fremantle. The original Canning Bridge was built at this location in 1849 by Henry Trigg, replacing a ferry. This bridge was replaced in 1908, and then again by the current structures in 1937 and 1958.

The bridge has been the focus of recreational activities in the past and the present day, including organised sporting events, and as a venue for informal recreational activities. It achieved prominence in 1962, as the end point for rowing at the VIIth British Empire and Commonwealth Games. The fishing platform underneath the 1958 structure is one of the few remaining of its kind.